


Tuesday 28th Sep 2021

Developer Taylor Wimpey is inviting residents to view and comment on plans for the first phase of development on land north of Bearwood in Poole.
In March this year, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council unanimously resolved to approve a ‘hybrid’ planning application for a new sustainable community on a 79.5 acre site to the north of the A341 Magna Road, near Knighton Lane.   As new information came to light subsequent to this meeting, the application was reconsidered afresh by the Council in August 2021 and was officially approved to proceed.
The site has the potential to provide up to 695 new homes, 40% of which will be affordable housing, along with a community hub, flexible workspaces, community uses and a 60-bed care home.  
Taylor Wimpey will be developing the site, which will be brought forward in phases.   The first phase will encompass circa 360 new homes, including a proportion of affordable housing incorporating a mix of properties available for rent or shared ownership through a local registered provider.   A community hall will be included within this first phase, along with a community hub with provision for food /drink and retail space, and workspaces for business start-ups.
Taylor Wimpey is seeking views on the first phase of development, prior to the submission of a reserved matters planning application.  The company has set up a dedicated consultation website for the project ( and is asking the local community for feedback on t... ...more


Thursday 18th Mar 2021

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council today (Thursday 18 March) unanimously resolved to approve proposals for a new sustainable community at Canford Park.
Canford Park is a key part of the planned strategic growth in Poole and will deliver much-needed family homes and 40% affordable homes, which is rarely achieved across the BCP area.
As well as essential housing growth, Canford Park will fund the delivery of new and improved essential social infrastructure, including up to £5.6m of S106 contributions towards education provision and doctor’s services; a new 60-bed care home; circa £5m towards local infrastructure through CIL; and a vibrant new community hub comprising shops, everyday services and business start-up units.
Canford Park will deliver significant economic benefits and create new jobs for local people, which is reflected in the support expressed for the proposals by Dorset Chamber, the leading business network in Dorset. Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership have also confirmed their support for increased housing delivery which will help facilitate growth in the Dorset economy.
The benefits of the planning application are summarised in a short YouTube video which can be viewed here.
W H White is delighted to confirm that Taylor Wimpey, one of the UKs most respected housing developers, will be developing the site, subject to reserve matters planning permissions. Taylor Wimpey is keen to move forward with the development of this important site at the earliest opp... ...more


Friday 12th Mar 2021

Proposals for Canford Park, a key part of the planned strategic growth in Poole, are recommended for approval at Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council’s Planning Committee meeting on Thursday 18 March.
Poole based W H White is bringing forward proposals for Canford Park, located north of Bearwood, Poole. The site is allocated for residential development in Policy PP10 (Site UE2) of the Poole Local Plan which was adopted by members of Borough of Poole in November 2018. The allocation removes the site from the Green Belt and confirms its suitability for development.
The proposals will meet the pressing local need for housing, with a focus on family houses, rather than flats and 40% affordable homes, which is rarely achieved across the BCP area.
As well as essential housing growth, Canford Park will deliver significant economic benefits and create new jobs for local people. The proposal is supported by Dorset Chamber, the leading business network in Dorset and Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership have also confirmed their support for increased housing delivery which will help facilitate growth in the Dorset economy.
Canford Park will fund the delivery of new and improved essential social infrastructure, including up to £5.6m of S106 contributions towards education provision and doctor’s services; a new 60-bed care home; circa £5m towards local infrastructure through CIL; and a vibrant new community hub comprising shops, everyday services and business start-up units.
The ben... ...more


Thursday 11th Mar 2021

A recent report has shown that proposals for new homes at Canford Park in North Poole, which is allocated for development in the adopted Poole Local Plan, presents a unique opportunity for reduced carbon emissions and significant carbon offsetting, compared to other development sites across the BCP area.
Canford Park is located just 1.93km from the Canford Recycling Centre which will provide 85% of building aggregate required for the construction of new homes and which will also process the residual waste from the development once the new homes are occupied by families.
The close proximity of Canford Recycling Centre avoids the need for service vehicles to travel further afield which will significantly reduce the CO2 emissions with a reduction of up to 1,100 tonnes of CO2from delivery of aggregates during construction and a saving of at least 610 kg of CO2 every year from servicing residual waste collections once the development is occupied.
Canford Park will also contribute significantly to the continued phased delivery of the popular Canford Park strategic SANG. The SANG provides a significant biodiversity benefit and the first phase involved the planting of 3,000 trees with the ability to capture and store over 14 tonnes of CO2 each year, with a further 2,000 trees already planted in recent months which will capture a similar level of carbon.
The facilities within the development, such as the community hub provid... ...more


Tuesday 2nd Mar 2021

Dorset Chamber, the leading business network in Dorset, has confirmed support for the Canford Park planning application recognising the significant economic benefits and essential housing growth that will be delivered by the proposals.
A letter from Dorset Chamber to the Council highlights the significant benefits of providing 40% affordable homes and the important opportunity to attract skilled workers to Dorset. The Chamber also welcomes the provision of business start-up units in the community hub and the planned contributions towards local education and medical services in Poole.
Ian Girling, Chief Executive of Dorset Chamber, said:
“It is clear Canford Park will provide valuable housing stock, support the creation of new jobs, help new businesses start and provide significant economic benefits for the local area.”
“Dorset Chamber strongly supports this proposal and developments like this are vital for future growth of our economy.”
 Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership, the group responsible for driving the economic growth of Dorset, have also confirmed that they are supportive of increased housing delivery which will help facilitate growth in the Dorset economy.
Lorna Carver, Dorset LEP Director said:
“Dorset LEP supports private investment which acts as an economic stimulus and will transpire to be a key element of the area’s economic development str... ...more

Riverside Country Park to open on 1 June

Wednesday 22nd May 2019

Poole based W H White Limited and Canford Park Sports Ltd are delighted to announce the opening of Canford Park SANG on 1 June 2019.
The ceremony will be held at the SANG car park and attended by other local dignitaries and representatives from Dorset Dogs and apprentices from Cobham who have helped created the SANG entrance sign.

What is a SANG?
A SANG is a “Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace” and is like a country park. The primary purpose of a SANG is to provide an alternative area of greenspace to protect other greenspaces of ecological and environmental value which are under intense recreational pressure. A SANG provides important mitigation to reduce recreational pressures on sensitive habitats and to ensure that tourism and new development do not have a negative impact on areas with environmental and ecological value.

Canford Park SANG will deliver, over a series of phases, a 44 hectare Riverside Country Park (the size of 61 football pitches) alongside the River Stour providing beautiful natural parkland with a network of circular riverside walks, ecological hotspots and leisure trails which can be enjoyed by everyone.
In the case of the Canford Park SANG, it will provide an attractive area of natural parkland open to everyone to protect the Dorset Heathlands by providing an alternative natural landsc... ...more



Monday 11th Mar 2019

Poole based W H White Limited has submitted a hybrid planning application to Borough of Poole for a sustainable mixed-use development known as Canford Park, located north of Bearwood.
The proposal will provide:

A total of 695 new homes, with a focus on family houses, rather than flats.

40% of which (278) will be provided as affordable homes

£4.5m towards local infrastructure (Through BoP’s Community Infrastructure Levy)

Section 106 contributions to improve the provision of school places and local doctor’s services

A new community hub providing shops, everyday services, business start-up units, a 60-bed care home and community facilities

The phased delivery of a new Country Park, the size of 61 football pitches, providing beautiful parkland, with public access to the River Stour

A network of walking and cycle routes and improved bus services to enable residents to make sustainable travel choices

Canford Park will deliver up to 695 homes, a 60-bed care home, a community hub and supporting infrastructure. It will create a unique community set alongside a new Riverside Country Park providing beautiful parkland which can be enjoyed by everyone.  A new community hub will lie at its heart providing a focal point and range of community facilities, employment opportunities and small everyday shops.
Unlike many sites approved across the Borough of Poole, W H White is delighted to confirm that Canford Park will deliver 40% affordable homes meaning the provision of 278 new ... ...more

Borough of Poole likely to fail Housing Delivery Test

Friday 23rd Nov 2018

Planning Resource, the independent planning magazine, has reported that Borough of Poole is among those councils likely to face penalties due to under delivery of new housing.
The Government introduced a new Housing Delivery Test as part of the revised National Planning Policy Framework published in July 2018. The test seeks to ensure that local authorities build homes as well as plan for them. Those authorities that fail to build enough homes over the previous three-year period will have various sanctions imposed on them by the Government.
The Government will publish official delivery figures before the end of November. However, research by Planning Resource shows that two-fifths of Councils in England are expected to have underdelivered new housing against their targets. Included within the 128 councils is Borough of Poole which has delivered just 67.9% of its target. As a result, it is expected that the Government will require Borough of Poole to produce an ‘action plan’ as a sanction.
Poole’s neighbours have fared slightly better in delivering new homes, with Christchurch delivering 68.5% of their annual target and Bournemouth delivering 88.5% of their annual target. The under delivery of housing across the entire new Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Unitary authority area highlights the need to not only plan for new homes in Local Plans but to also ensure the timely delivery of new homes.
Strategic new housing proposals such as Canford Park are essentially in meeting ... ...more

Poole Local Plan adopted

Wednesday 14th Nov 2018

Members of Borough of Poole have voted to adopt the Poole Local Plan.
The adoption of the Poole Local Plan comes following a recommendation from officers and confirmation from an independent Government Planning Inspector which is highly positive in endorsing the Council’s strategy and associated policies.
The Local Plan sets out a housing requirement of 14,200 homes over the period to 2033, which the Inspector confirmed is sound, based on a credible evidence base and accords with national planning policy.
The Poole Local Plan proactively acknowledges the geographical constraints to developing new homes in the Poole area by demonstrating the exceptional circumstances to releasing Green Belt land for the development of much needed new homes.
The Government Inspector confirmed that there are exceptional circumstances that justify a carefully planned release of Green Belt and recognised the multitude of benefits that would be realised from the proposed release such as education provision, affordable housing, family housing, investment in infrastructure and delivery of the first parts of the Stour Valley park.
The emerging Poole Local Plan therefore includes allocations for the release of sites from the Green Belt to help resolve the under delivery of homes in recent years. This includes Canford Park under emerging Policy UE2 for a minimum of 800 homes.
Adoption of the plan helps to secure Poole’s future, identity and ability to inform planning decisions made in the Poole adminis... ...more

Government confirms that 2014 population projections should be used in Local Plans

Monday 12th Nov 2018

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has recently confirmed that local authorities should use 2014 household projections and not the 2016 figures.
The 2016 findings had reduced the national housing need figures by approximately 53,000 dwellings per year. However, the Government has reaffirmed the overall target to deliver 300,000 homes each year and is directing local authorities to use the 2014 housing projections in progressing planning policy documents.
Forthcoming planning guidance to be released by MHCLG is set to ensure that the 2016 projections do not qualify as exceptional circumstances to justify a departure from the 2014 housing projections and standard methodology.
The Poole Local Plan, which is recommended to be approved for adoption by Borough of Poole Full Council on Tuesday 13 November, uses the 2014 housing projections and standard methodology.
The Poole Local Plan includes an allocation for Canford Park under emerging Policy UE2 for a minimum of 800 homes. It is proposed that Canford Park could potentially deliver up to 320 Affordable or Starter Homes in North Poole. The new homes for Canford Park could also address Poole’s need for family houses, which will complement the predominantly flatted schemes likely to be brought forward within the Regeneration Area and the wider urban area. ...more

New Housing data shows slow delivery of new homes in Poole

Friday 28th Sep 2018

New housing data published by The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government in the “House building: new build dwellings statistics” has shown that in Borough of Poole just 100 new dwellings were completed in the quarter from April 2018 to the end of June 2018.
The same study also calls into question the current pipeline of new build homes in the Poole area as just 20 starts were made on new dwellings in the same quarter.
When reviewed over the past year from June 2017 to June 2018, the level of new homes completed hit 330, whilst 260 dwellings were started in the same period.
The delivery of housing is therefore looking likely to fall considerably below the Borough of Poole’s emerging Local Plan target, which is proposed to increase to 710 homes per annum under the emerging Local Plan – further highlighting the scale of the challenge.
Of the 330 completions made over the year from June 2017 to June 2018, 100% of these were private sector dwellings with zero homes delivered by Housing Associations.
In April 2018 we reported on this website that there were in the region of 950 applicants currently sitting on the housing waiting list in Poole which was 80% more than in 2013 when 523 applicants were on the waiting list.
The need for new homes, specifically affordable homes, is therefore clear and it is vital that the delivery of new homes increases in the Poole area in order to meet demand.
The emerging Poole Local Plan seeks to proactively acknowledge the geographic... ...more

Public exhibitions and engagement commences today

Wednesday 8th Aug 2018

W H White Limited is now seeking comments from the community on exciting proposals for a mixed-use development known as Canford Park, located north of Bearwood.
A Government appointed Inspector has advised that the Poole Local Plan is capable of being sound subject to modifications. The emerging Plan includes an allocation for a minimum of 800 homes, a 60-bed care home and community hub at Canford Park (site UE2, North of Bearwood).
W H White is committed to bringing forward a planning application which reflects this aspiration and comments from the community. Before finalising the plans, we would welcome feedback from the community on the emerging Masterplan. You can provide comments by:
Attending public exhibition sessions at Bearwood Community Centre, King John Ave (BH11 9TF) on:
Wednesday 8 August – 4pm to 8pm
Tuesday 21 August – 4pm to 8pm
You can also review this website and provide your feedback online using an interactive comments form by clicking here.
Canford Park is an opportunity for a sustainable development of 800 family homes, a 60-bed care home and supporting infrastructure. It will create a unique community set alongside a new Riverside Country Park providing beautiful parkland which can be enjoyed by everyone.  The development will also include a new community hub at its heart providing a focal point and range of community facilities, employment opportunities and small everyday shops.

Canford Park Exhibitions

Friday 20th Jul 2018

The emerging Poole Local Plan has fundamentally been found sound, subject to modifications, by a Government Planning Inspector. The emerging Plan includes an allocation for a minimum of 800 homes, a 60-bed care home and community hub at Canford Park (Policy PP10, site UE2, North of Bearwood).
W H White is now intending to work up a planning application which reflects the allocation for the site in the emerging Poole Local Plan. Before submitting a planning application, W H White is seeking views from the community on the proposals.
The local community will be given every opportunity to comment. The proposals are still at a formative stage, so this is a genuine opportunity to shape the Masterplan, as well as any future planning application.
This website will be updated on Wednesday 25 July and we will be holding public exhibition sessions at Bearwood Community Centre.
The public exhibition sessions will be at Bearwood Community Centre, King John Ave (BH11 9TF) on:
Wednesday 8 August – 4pm to 8pm
Tuesday 21 August – 4pm to 8pm
Canford Park is an opportunity for a sustainable development of 800 family homes, a 60-bed care home and supporting infrastructure. It will create a unique community set alongside a new Riverside Country Park providing beautiful parkland which can be enjoyed by everyone.  The development will also include a new community hub at its heart providing a focal point and range of community facilities, employment opportunities and small everyday shops.
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Poole fares well on the buses

Friday 6th Jul 2018

Whilst the trend across England and Dorset shows a decline in the use of buses, Poole residents are bucking that trend and using buses more now than in 2009/10.
Reducing bus use is the trend across England and the Dorset county area, where passengers took 1.6m fewer journeys in 2016/17 than in 2009/10. However, data released by the Department for Transport shows that passengers in Poole are making millions more journeys by bus than in 2009/10. Passengers in Poole took 10.4m bus journeys in 2016/17, which is 2.7m more than were taken in 2009/10.
In addition, over the same period the average number of journeys taken by each person in Poole increased by over 30% from 53 to 69. Again, Poole fares much stronger than across Dorset as a whole, where the average number of journeys taken by each person has dropped from 25 to 21.
The increasing patronage of bus services and the large increase in overall journeys in Poole demonstrates the potential to further promote the use of sustainable transport.
The vision for Canford Park seeks to utilise this potential by placing a strong focus on creating a network of walking and cycle routes through the development linking with existing and planned pedestrian and cycle corridors in the local area, enabling connectivity to key services through sustainable means. 
The provision of new homes will also help to improve and sustain existing and new public transport services through increased patronage and possible funding through planning contributio... ...more

Poole house prices rise to be among highest in Dorset

Monday 14th May 2018

The House Price index, updated in February 2018, shows that house prices in Poole have increased by over 3% over the past 12 months with the average home now exceeding £300,000.
Poole outstrips the average house price in the County, as well as nationally with average house prices in Dorset reaching £293k and £225k as a national average.
Over the past five years Poole residents have seen an average house value rise of £81k compared with comparatively lower jumps across Dorset of £67k and £65k nationally.
First time buyers are also spending, on average, £64,000 more on their first homes than five years ago which also exceeds the Dorset average of a £51,000 increase over the same period.
Whilst house prices are rising nationally and getting onto the housing ladder is a challenge in any market, the Borough of Poole area is feeling the consequences of housing targets not being met for four of the past five years, with the average housing completions sitting at 307 against a target of 650 homes.
Poole has clear geographical constraints and the release of sites such as Canford Park are undeniably essential to boost housing supply and start making a difference in helping families and local people stay in the Poole area.
Canford Park could deliver a minimum of 800 homes, with a focus on family homes and with 40% (320 homes) to be provided as affordable homes.
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Poole's Housing Completion and Supply Analysis

Friday 4th May 2018

The Housing Completion and Supply Analysis Paper submitted by Borough of Poole during the recent examination on the Poole Local Plan, identified that there were only 308 completions of new homes during 2017/18 year.
This was less than half of the Council’s forecast of 650 homes and significantly below the Local Plan target of 500 homes per annum.
This is a familiar picture in the Borough of Poole and the Paper also identified that new home completions have reached an average rate of 307 new home completions per year in the 9 years since the economic slowdown of 2008. Consequently, the annual delivery of housing has fallen below the target in 4 of the first 5 years of the Local Plan period 2013-2033.
The document however explains the geographical constraints in the Poole area and therefore sets-out the case for a stepped approach to housing delivery through the Local Plan period.
Such an approach is reflective of the Council’s emerging Local Plan which includes allocations for the release two key sites from the Green Belt to help resolve the under delivery of homes in recent years. This includes Canford Park under emerging Policy UE2 for a minimum of 800 homes.
The new homes for Canford Park could also address Poole’s need for family houses, which will complement the predominantly flatted schemes likely to be brought forward within the Regeneration Area and the wider urban area.
The Housing Completion and Supply Analysis Report also acknowledges the essential role that sites U... ...more

Demand for new homes in the Poole area shows no signs of relenting

Friday 27th Apr 2018

Last week the Daily Echo reported that a development of  61 new homes in Blandford St Mary has received expressions of interest from 2,700 separate people before it has been formally launched. Whilst the development of two, three and four bedroom homes are located across the border in North Dorset, it is just 13 miles from the Canford Park site and demonstrates the high level of demand for houses in the local area.
The huge interest in these homes is far from an isolated incident and you may recall that we reported in February on the high uptake of the Government’s Help to Buy scheme in the Poole area.
Figures released by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in February indicated that 262 residents in the Borough of Poole have benefitted from the Help to Buy scheme during 2013 to 2017. In the same period, Bournemouth saw 200 buyers take advantage and just 101 buyers took advantage in North Dorset.
The greater uptake in Poole than other areas of Dorset demonstrates the demand for new homes in Poole specifically.
The demand for affordable homes in the area is equally widespread with some 950 applicants currently sitting on the housing waiting list in Poole which is 80% more than in 2013 when 523 applicants were on the waiting list.
However, despite the urgent need for affordable homes, in the 12 months to March 2017, just 60 affordable homes were completed in Borough of Poole.
As per the emerging Local Plan policy for the site, Canford Park could deliver a ... ...more

Benefits of Green Space on the body, mind and in the purse

Monday 26th Mar 2018

Exposure to open green space and nature is often attributed to an increased feeling of mental and physical well-being. As reported by the Land Trust, 9 out of 10 people feel that green spaces play a positive part in their happiness, with 90% of people feeling green spaces help encourage them or others to keep fit and healthy.
In the busy and fast-moving pace of modern life, making time to enjoy the green and natural environment is often a luxury for many urban dwellers.
However, new developments offering access to Country Parks, such as at Canford Park, can make immersing oneself in nature as easy as taking a short stroll.
The benefits of green space do not just stop at mental and physical benefits. A study by the Forestry Commission showed that the presence of a well-managed greenspace nearby could result in an average property premium of 2.6% to 11.3%. The same study showed that just a single percentage point increase in green space in the local census ward could increase property prices by 1%.
The Lands Trust has also looked at specific case studies, such as the Port Sunlight River Park on the Wirral. The study showed that houses within a 500m radius of the park increased in value by an average of £8,674 per property, representing a total cumulative property price increase of £7.8 million. The study also showed that small independent businesses utilising the park, such as dog walkers and ice cream vendors, generated in the region of £48,000 annual revenue and an additional... ...more

Housing need, the role of Green Belt release and the riverside SANG

Friday 2nd Mar 2018

As the Local Plan hearing sessions held discussions on the Green Belt yesterday, we discuss the role of Green Belt release in helping to meet our national housing challenges.
The construction of new homes is a continual necessity as our population continues to grow rapidly, especially with the younger generation, who more than ever require new and affordable homes.
Although a sensitive issue, release of land from the Green Belt for development is an important element in meeting the country’s and local housing challenges.
Like in many communities, the Borough of Poole cannot meet the need for housing on brownfield sites and non-green belt sites alone. The emerging Poole Local Plan therefore identifies two locations to be released from the Green Belt for urban extensions. This includes land at Bearwood for an allocation of a minimum of 800 homes and a 60-bed care home at site UE2 - North of Bearwood.
There are many benefits to delivering virgin sites over those in more urbanised areas. For instance, green field sites often command a lower cost (in terms of land value and development costs) when compared to more central and urban locations, this means the quantity of affordable homes developers can put forward is often greater than urban brownfield developments. The new homes for Canford Park could also address Poole’s need for family houses, which will complement the predominantly flat prioritised schemes in urban areas. Canford Park will also provide a 60-bed care facility fo... ...more

Poole Local Plan Hearing session commence

Tuesday 27th Feb 2018

A series of Hearing Sessions are currently underway to assess the soundness and legal compliance of the Poole Local Plan. Today and tomorrow the focus of the hearing sessions will be on housing need in the Borough.
Borough of Poole’s Draft Poole Local Plan identifies a need for approximately 14,200 new homes before 2033, together with a requirement for 33 Hectares of new employment premises and associated infrastructure. The Local Plan also identifies that the 14,200 new homes should be delivered as 60% houses and 40% flats. In addition, 40% of all homes should be provided as affordable homes and properties suitable for first time buyers.
Given the constraints within Poole itself, it will be difficult to meet this requirement for houses so there is an important need to create new communities around the edge of the Borough. The costs associated with developing urban sites also mean that delivering affordable homes can be challenging.
The Draft Local Plan therefore identifies two locations for urban extensions in the green belt, which includes land at Bearwood for an allocation of a minimum of 800 homes and a 60-bed care home at site UE2 - North of Bearwood, otherwise known as Canford Park.
We believe the development at Canford Park can provide a considerable benefit to the local housing market, including:
New homes, with a bias towards family homes to complement the predominantly flatted schemes proposed for central Poole and elsewhere in the Borough.
40% of the new homes will... ...more

Help to Buy scheme increases home ownership in Poole

Wednesday 21st Feb 2018

Figures released from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government indicate that 262 residents in the Borough of Poole have benefitted from the Help to Buy scheme during 2013 to 2017.
In the same time period, Bournemouth saw 200 buyers take advantage, East Dorset 111, North Dorset 101, New Forest 40, Purbeck 35 and Christchurch 33.  
The uptake of the Government scheme clearly shows that demand from first-time buyers in the Poole area is greater than in other areas of Dorset and demonstrates the demand for new homes in Poole. Emerging sustainable schemes, such as Canford Park, continue to be vital to ensure that the supply of new homes meets demand.
Canford Park will focus a bias towards family homes to complement the predominantly flatted schemes proposed for central Poole and elsewhere in the Borough.
In addition, 40% of the new homes will be affordable or aimed at first-time buyers – something rarely achieved within the existing urban area. ...more

Councils not building enough affordable homes

Friday 9th Feb 2018

Recent statistical data from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government shows that only 1,040 applicants were successfully placed in affordable accommodation from Poole and Bournemouth Councils in the 12 months leading up to March 2017.
There are currently 950 and 3,511 applicants on the housing waiting list in Poole and Bournemouth Councils, respectively. These numbers have been steadily rising, with data in 2013 indicating 523 applicants for Poole and 891 in Bournemouth.
However, despite the urgent need for affordable homes, no new affordable homes were completed in Bournemouth and just 60 in Poole in the 12 months to March 2017.
In response to the figures, Borough of Poole’s Cabinet member for Housing, Councillor Karen Rampton, has reiterated the Council’s commitment to delivering more affordable housing in Poole.
With the dire need for housing in Dorset, proposals such as Canford Park, which are supported by the emerging Planning Policy, will be essential in helping to tackle the growing need for new affordable and market family homes.
Canford Park would deliver in the region of 800 new homes with approximately 40% provided as affordable homes or homes specifically for first-time buyers – something rarely achieved within the existing urban area. The development of the site would also provide a significant biodiversity benefit and green asset through a 44-hectare Country Park comprising beautiful parkland, with public access to the River Stour, which can be... ...more

Infrastructure Investment into Poole increased in £6M fund from Government

Thursday 8th Feb 2018

Poole will receive £6M in funding from Central Government as part of the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF).
The funding will be used as a contribution towards Borough of Poole’s £134M scheme to regenerate part of the Town Centre, which will include a new leisure centre, swimming pool, bus station, hotel, commercial office space and 400 homes.
The HIF is a £2.3B fund that could unlock 100,000 new homes in areas of high demand, such as in Poole. Launched by the Communities Secretary, Rt Hon. Sajid Javid MP in July 2017, the investment will help to fund essential infrastructure that is holding back construction of new homes to tackle our housing crisis.
News of the additional funding has come as welcome news to residents and Councillors who are hailing this as a further commitment by Borough of Poole (BoP) Council to realise the town’s sustainable future. Importantly, the £6M funding for Borough of Poole is part of an overall £16.6M split between Poole, East Dorset and North Dorset local authorities.
Investment into Poole continues to bolster the town’s long-term sustainability making new large-scale developments, such as proposals for Canford Park, viable and also necessary for the future success of the area. Vitally, this type of Government funding will encourage the delivery of new homes and will mean current and future generations in Poole and Dorset are closer to realising the dream of buying their own home. ...more

Affordable Housing not prioritised by Council despite increased house prices

Thursday 1st Feb 2018

There was recently coverage in the local domain regarding the affordable housing development firm, Bournemouth Development Company, which is co-owned by Poole’s neighbouring authority, Bournemouth Council. Bournemouth Development Company did not build any affordable homes in 2017.
This news comes as house prices in Bournemouth have risen by 11.7% in the last year, the highest in the country second only to Cheltenham.
The lack of delivery of affordable homes, is not just limited to Bournemouth and as we recently reported, Poole itself has had trouble in developing enough affordable homes. At Sopers Lane, a planning application for 138 homes includes no provision for any affordable homes, this is despite the Councils adopted policies of 40% affordable homes, subject to viability.
With the likelihood of the proposed Dorset Councils merger the failure to deliver enough affordable homes in Bournemouth will also be felt in Poole. Affordable homes are an essential element of the housing mix if we are to have a sustainable housing market for the upcoming generation of aspiring homeowners.
Whilst some schemes have significant costs that prohibit the provision of affordable homes and infrastructure, the development of greenfield sites, such as Canford Park, can deliver an abundance of affordable homes and facilities as there is not the same significant cost burden as on previously developed sites. Green Field sites therefore are an essential element of the solution to solving our housi... ...more

Another development scheme lacks affordable housing provision despite record low supply

Wednesday 10th Jan 2018

A planning application to redevelop part of a former employment site for 138 homes has been submitted to the Borough of Poole, but will not provide any affordable homes.
The application at Sopers Lane is one of many being considered by Borough of Poole that fails to deliver any affordable housing. This is against the policies set out in the Council’s adopted Local Plan that seek to secure 40% on-site affordable housing, subject to viability.
Given Sopers Lane is outside of the town centre, the difficulty in providing affordable housing in the urban area is evidently widespread.  The application comes just days after the release of new data showing that house prices in neighbouring Bournemouth have sky rocketed. 
Brett Spiller of Chapman Lily Planning commented ‘The shortage of affordable homes is acute and there is a risk that this will begin to adversely affect the local economy. Fortuitously, the Council is proposing to release land from the Green Belt in north Poole for new housing development.  As demonstrated by Barratt David Wilson’s recent proposal for 324 homes, strategic sites in north Poole are capable of delivering policy compliant levels of affordable housing and this helps first time buyers onto the housing ladder.’   ...more

Brownfield land study shows green field land is essential to meet housing needs

Wednesday 3rd Jan 2018

A study which considers the availability of brownfield land against the five-year housing demand has shown that greenfield sites must be developed if housing targets are to be met.
The “Brownfield: The Housing Crisis Solved?” study reviewed the 73 local authority areas that are piloting the brownfield registers. The pilot areas have shown the ability to deliver approximately 200,000 homes on brownfield land, but this is against a five-year need of 275,000 homes and a need of 550,000 homes over the next ten years.
The study identifies that many of the brownfield sites are small in size and can only provide in the region of 15 dwellings, the collapse of many smaller developers during the financial problems from 2008 means that the prospect of many of these sites coming forward for development is slim.
The report therefore concludes that greenfield sites which can deliver higher densities and a significant quantum of development will need to come forward if the country is to deliver enough homes to meet demand.
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Major Redevelopment plans announced for Poole Town Centre

Monday 18th Dec 2017

A £134m investment has been unveiled for the area in and around Poole Town Centre. The plan is part of an ambitious project designed by Borough of Poole Council for the Northern part of the Town Centre. At a Cabinet Meeting earlier this month, Councillors praised the redevelopment plans and have put into motion finding a partner to finance the rest of the project.
Included in the plans is a new bus station, leisure centre, swimming pool, hotel and 400 homes, which would also include new commercial office space and improvements to public space. Commenting on the plans Cllr Ian Potter, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, said “The Council is ambitious for Poole and wants to create a vibrant town centre where people want to live, work and play.”
This redevelopment scheme represents an important step forward for Poole Town Centre as a sustainable and attractive location for new and existing residents. The improved public transport links will ensure that new developments such as Canford Park can access the town centre by sustainable means. Furthermore, this scheme is a clear indication that the Council is prepared to invest where necessary for the longevity of Poole.
While this announcement for some will be considered long-overdue, it should nevertheless be welcomed as an exciting step forward for residents, particularly for aspiring home-owners who will be finding it difficult to get onto the housing ladder.
Detailed plans of the scheme can be viewed here. ...more

Borough of Poole Local Plan to be submitted to Secretary of State

Monday 27th Nov 2017

Last week, Cllr Ian Potter (the Conservative Portfolio holder for Planning at Borough of Poole) approved the Local Plan to be submitted to the Secretary of State, subject to some minor and major amendments following the public consultation from 31 July to 22 September 2017.
The version of the Poole Local Plan to be submitted to the Secretary of State identifies a need for 14,200 new homes by the year 2033 – around 60% of which should be houses and 40% flats. It will be difficult to meet this requirement for houses within the centre of Poole so there is an important need to create new communities around the edge of the Borough.
The Draft Policy PP10 in the Local Plan therefore identifies two locations for urban extensions in the Green Belt, which includes an allocation of a minimum of 800 homes and a 60-bed care home at site UE2 - North of Bearwood (Canford Park).
WH White is committed to working through the local plan process and our plans are now focused on land to the north of Bearwood consistent with Site UE2 in the Poole Local Plan. We believe the development can provide a considerable benefit to the local housing market, including:
A wide range of house types are planned for the site including 40% of homes to be provided as affordable housing and properties suitable for first time buyers.
There will also be larger family homes for those who want the chance to move up the property ladder and enjoy a garden where the children can play.
A 60-bed care home and various other ... ...more

Mixed response to Autumn Budget from Housing Market

Thursday 23rd Nov 2017

Chancellor Phillip Hammond’s Budget increased the housing delivery target to 300,000 in a clear signal that the Government remains unwavering in their approach to greatly accelerate housing delivery across the country to help solve the housing crisis.
In their post-Budget breakdown, both the Chartered Institute of Housing and National Housing Federation (NHF) expressed optimism at the Budget, applauding the headline change to Stamp Duty as well as welcoming the additional £2.7bn made available to the housing infrastructure fund; an £1.1bn fund to unlock strategic sites; and, £1.5bn to help small developers build more homes.
However, the NHF felt that the Chancellor had not gone far enough, stating “there was nothing in this statement about the Government taking action on increasing access to land, which is needed if we are going to significantly increase supply”.
The NHF has long called for a mature approach to the sanctity of the Green Belt land, calling for relaxation of Green Belt restrictions to allow land that no longer serves the purposes of the Green Belt to be released to provide an essential boost towards addressing the housing crisis.
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Green Belt land could be released in Autumn Budget

Monday 6th Nov 2017

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Phillip Hammond, is rumoured to be using the Autumn Budget to tackle Britain’s housing crisis. Mr Hammond is reportedly seeking to implement measures to release Green Belt land for new homes.
Numerous independent research studies over the last few years have indicated that the protection of Green Belt land is responsible for increasing house prices and that the policy is too rigid in the face of new urban and environmental challenges, especially in relation to those sites that do not serve all five Green Belt functions.
According to research from the independent Institute of Economic Affairs there is, “overwhelming empirical evidence that the planning restrictions have a substantial impact on housing costs” and is a contributing factor for house prices rising dramatically over since the 1950s. The IEA has called for a review of the planning process and Green Belt policy in order to address the continuing housing crisis.
Furthermore, The Economist has previously criticised Green Belt policy proposing that unless planning laws are reformed and more Green Belt land is released, then housing space might need to be rationed out.
Mr Hammond’s rumoured approach would represent a step-change in the Government’s resolve to solve the housing crisis. With increasing pressure to build more houses, the release of Green Belt sites close to existing communities could play a significant role in meeting the country’s pressing housing need. ...more

Housing and Finance Institute calls for radical changes to planning system to help solve housing crisis

Wednesday 1st Nov 2017

In their latest report, the Housing and Finance Institute is advocating to force local authorities, government and public bodies to increase the supply of land for housing and to make changes to the planning rules on land use, including developing on the Green Belt.
The expert housing organisation’s report insists that brownfield sites alone will not meet the ever-increasing demands for new homes, therefore it is paramount that the debate around Green Belt use is broadened.
The housing market, as many aspiring first-time buyers know, is a very expensive ladder to step onto with house prices having increased year on year since 2007. This exponential increase has largely been fuelled through a lack of housing supply and a cumbersome planning process.
It is clear that the release of Green Belt land, particularly those sites which do not meet the five Green Belt functions, will be vital in increasing housing supply.
The Pre-Submission version of the Poole Local Plan came forward with the Council’s “Exceptional circumstances to amend the South East Dorset Green Belt” paper. The paper, as noted in the Pre-Submission Local Plan, recognises the exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release to help deliver much needed new housing in Poole especially in the context of under delivery of affordable and family homes over recent years.
The release of Canford Park will ensure the much-needed and timely delivery of affordable housing which will provide critical to the effectiveness of the... ...more

RTPI Study - Large scale housing sites are critical to solving housing crisis

Monday 30th Oct 2017

A Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) study has shown that large-scale strategic housing sites, such as Canford Park, can have a positive effect on affordability in the region and can play an important part in solving the housing crisis.
The RTPI study looked at six large housing developments in the South West of England and found that house prices would be lower in those areas where the case studies are located by between 1% and 8% in 2021 and by between 2% and 15% in 2031.
Crucially, the case studies showed that strategic developments could also increase the stock of local affordable social housing by up to 50%, which is a pressing matter in Borough of Poole.
Richard Blyth, the RTPI’s Head of Policy, says that the UK “cannot afford not to think big”.  Mr Blyth commented that “The experience of the last 20 years shows that piecemeal incremental developments alone will not meet the level of demand for new homes. We must therefore ensure there is proper, long term planning and delivery for housing on a large scale.
“Central and local government must put proactive planning at the centre if they are serious about making a success of developing new garden villages and housing at scale."
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Borough of Poole new homes round-up

Friday 27th Oct 2017

Borough of Poole granted planning permission for around 129 additional homes between 1st September and 20th October1. 
The number of consented homes was significantly bolstered by the grant of outline consent for 56 new flats at West Quay Road – part of the Twin Sails Regeneration Area.  This highlights the importance of the larger allocated sites.  However it is important to stress that planning permissions do not translate into completions for a given year – indeed some of the consented schemes might not start for several years, and when they do they might be built out over a number of years; some might not be started at all.  As the past 15 years have demonstrated, the delivery of complex brownfield sites within the Regeneration Area is far from assured and the construction programme and build-out rate for the West Quay Road scheme remain to be seen.
The vast majority (over 70%) of the homes consented between 1st September and 20th October will take the form of flats (principally 1 or 2 bed).  The increase in the stock of family homes being tempered by subdivision and redevelopment.  This aptly reflects the long-term trend within the established urban area.
Disappointingly, NO affordable housing was secured. Indeed, in one sense there was a net loss, as one of the ‘recycled’ sites benefitted from a planning permission which secured a financial contribution towards affordable housing.  Owing to changes in Government Policy, such a requirement could not be sustained through ... ...more

Call for ‘Yellow Field’ register to aid release of Green Belt Land

Friday 20th Oct 2017

A new report from Localis, Disrupting the Housing Market, has suggested that local authorities should be able to re-designate Green Belt land using ‘yellowfield registers’, to unlock land with potential for new housing.
The report aims to address the structural problems affecting housing delivery, while also recognising the need to protect valuable areas of the Green Belt.
The Yellowfield registers could be used to highlight green belt land that does not provide environmental benefits and / or meet the five purposes of the Green Belt and highlight Green Belt land that has already been developed.
The UK’s land use policy was initially designed in the 1950s and overtime has contributed to mislabelling plots of land as Green Belt which are part developed or do not contribute to the Green Belt’s purposes. This has constrained housing delivery and the take-up of yellowfield registers could therefore assist in building more homes where they are desperately needed. ...more

Government vows to tackle ‘broken’ housing market

Tuesday 17th Oct 2017

The Prime Minister has called the UK’s largest developers to a summit being held today. Ms May is "laying down the challenge" to the industry to build more homes after pledging to fix Britain’s ‘broken’ housing market.
The summit announcement comes after Theresa May made housing delivery a central issue of her party conference speech in Manchester last week. She said “we simply haven’t built enough homes… As a result, prices have risen so much that the average home now costs almost eight times average earnings. And that’s been a disaster for young people in particular.”
Meanwhile, a report last week from Savills suggested at least 100,000 additional new homes are needed on top of the government's target of building 1 million new homes by 2020, in order to increase the number of people who can afford to buy a house.
The report also suggests that the ‘Help to Buy’ policy has helped to increase the quantity of houses being built but there needs to be a fundamental change to ensure that enough new homes are being built and to meet the Government’s targets. ...more

Government’s proposed housing need methodology

Monday 25th Sep 2017

The Department for Communities and Local Government recently published its consultation on the new methodology for determining local housing need, known as objectively assessed housing need. The Government’s consultation runs for 8 weeks, closing on 9 November 2017.
A shortage of new housing nationally is considered to be one of the reasons that owning a home is out of reach for many people, especially amongst the younger generation. The Government is proposing to standardise the way local authorities determine their housing need through a universal methodology which aims to make the assessment straightforward and transparent. 
The emerging Poole Local Plan, which was subject to public consultation until 22 September, identifies a housing need of 710 new homes each year until 2033.
Projections undertaken by industry professionals show that the Borough of Poole’s housing need, when considered under the proposed methodology, would increase by approximately 72 dwellings per annum, meaning Borough of Poole’s housing need could be in the region of 782 new homes each year, which represents an increase of 10%.
Whilst it is not clear at this stage how the Government’s proposals for a standardised methodology would impact adopted and emerging Local Plans, it does suggest a direction of travel for housing numbers in Poole.  The housing challenges meeting Poole remain significant and the delivery of sustainable strategic sites, such as Canford Park, are an increasingly essential... ...more

Resident’s letter queries Council Tax uplifts from development

Tuesday 29th Aug 2017

An interesting residents’ letter appeared on recently. The letter queries the level of Council tax that would be generated by the proposed developments near Bearwood.
Taking the approved Barratts David Wilson scheme for 324 homes to the south of Magna Road in isolation, the development would generate £3.2m over six years through the New Homes Bonus and an annual uplift of £490,200.00 from Council tax. Over the first six years the development would therefore provide over £6m which can be spent on local services.
Similarly, the development of new homes at Canford Park for a minimum of 800 homes would deliver Council tax uplifts in the region of £1.2m per annum and a New Homes Bonus payment of approximately £7m over six years. The Canford Park proposals would in Council tax and New Homes Bonus alone generate approximately £14.2m over six years which the Borough of Poole would be able to spend on improvements to local services. ...more

AFC Bournemouth unveil plans for new training ground

Tuesday 15th Aug 2017

AFC Bournemouth have unveiled plans for a new multi-million pound training complex at a section of the former Canford Magna Golf Club site of circa. 50 acres.
The proposal involves the redevelopment of the former club house and the formation of playing pitches across part of the former Parkland Course. The plans do not encroach on the land being promoted for housing or the consented Riverside Country Park.
The club are planning a phased development and, once completed, it will bring AFC Bournemouth’s first team, development squad, academy and pre-academy training operations and facilities into one location.
The centre will offer first-class facilities including ten full-size pitches, three junior pitches, an indoor artificial playing surface, state-of-the-art medical, fitness, sports science and rehabilitation facilities, administrative space and a press conference theatre. ...more

324 new homes, including 130 affordable units, secured for Bearwood

Friday 28th Jul 2017

Barratt David Wilson' proposals for a sustainable mixed-used development of 324 new homes, including 130 affordable homes, have been approved by Borough of Poole’s Planning Committee.
In resolving to approve the application, members recognised the importance of providing affordable and family homes and the benefits being provided through the delivery of over 20Ha of green open space to the north of Magna Road. Members also took the time to thank and congratulate Barratt David Wilson and WH White for engaging with the local community and evolving a well thought-out and cohesive proposal.
 A wide range of benefits for the local community will be delivered, including:
A total of 324 new homes, including 101 one and two bedroom and 190 three bedroom homes, to help address local need for new family homes.
130 affordable homes, 39% more than the total number delivered in the Borough since 2011, to be provided as 65 starter homes and 65 affordable homes as a mixture of affordable rent and shared ownership.
25.8 hectares (88.4 acres) of Public Open Space, including a green link to a proposed Country Park to the north of Magna Road.
£4.7m boost for Borough of Poole through planning contributions (£1.5m) and New Homes Bonuses (£3.2m).
Improved bus services with new stops and pedestrian and cycle links to Bearwood. ...more

National Audit Office Housing in England Report

Monday 23rd Jan 2017

A report by the National Audit Office points to the difficulties faced by first time buyers looking to get on the housing ladder.  It cites lack of housing supply, together with the need for high deposits, as a barrier to gaining a step on the ladder.
To view the full report please visit:

Comment on Dorset CPRE's annual meeting

Thursday 1st Dec 2016

Further to the recent Dorset CPRE annual meeting, warnings were discussed of a potential disconnect between housing delivery and infrastructure provision.  The debate on housing numbers will continue, with some commentators arguing for more housing and others, including CPRE, less.  However, there is a danger that the pre-occupation on housing numbers distracts from the urgent need to deliver sustainable communities.  
We believe that sustainable communities should provide opportunities to 'live, work and play'.  We fully support the notion that new development should be brought forward in suitable locations, supported by physical and social infrastructure.   We also welcome Dorset CPRE's acknowledgement of the urgent need for affordable housing - it has proved extremely difficult to deliver meaningful levels of affordable housing on brownfield sites in Poole and there is no indication that this is likely to change in the future.  Thus alternative options should be explored.  

Housing crisis: Ministers to urge councils to build on green belt land

Tuesday 29th Nov 2016

Ministers have signalled that they will encourage Council’s to adopt a more pragmatic view of Green Belt; allowing land to be released in exchange for the designation of additional areas …
Calls for a radical rethink of Green Belt Policy to address the housing crisis …

The Redfern Review adds to evidence of a housing crisis

Monday 21st Nov 2016

The Redfern Review adds to evidence of a housing crisis, highlighting how young people have been hit by a combination of declining incomes and rising house prices.  With so much attention given to the housing shortage, access to employment and higher wages is often underplayed.
 This article explains in further detail how the decline in young people's income is leading to a drop in home ownership:  ...more

Rightmove releases new figures highlighting the difficulties for home buyers

Tuesday 15th Nov 2016

Rightmove has released figures highlighting the difficulties faced by those looking for smaller properties, including those looking to get onto the housing ladder for the first time.  It suggests that younger generations and those living with their parents are particularly downbeat about the prospects of finding suitable housing, with the average age of a first time buyer now 33.  Rightmove are calling for obstacles to delivery to be lifted and are encouraging the delivery of more affordable homes in the right locations. 
This is a good round-up of the latest figures from Rightmove:

'Dire' housing shortage says Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

Sunday 13th Nov 2016

A widely reported study by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) reaffirms the dire shortage of housing in the UK – with demand outstripping supply.   This is fuelling house price inflation and frustrating those looking to move up the ladder.  This adds credence to the need for a step change in the delivery of new homes in Poole and adjoining authorities – as evidenced by the Eastern Dorset Strategic Housing Market Assessment.  Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, has also been critical of housebuilders sitting on prime sites.’  
For more information on this please visit . 


There is still time to have your say on Canford Park

Monday 3rd Oct 2016

As the recent series of public consultations draw to a close for the proposed Canford Park scheme, there are still opportunities for residents and interested parties to have their say.
Planning consultant for the scheme, Brett Spiller of Chapman Lily Planning said: “Around 200 people came along to our consultations and hundreds more have visited the website.  We were delighted to discuss this proposed development with so many local residents and to hear their comments.  We are keen to ensure that as many people as possible give us their views, as the feedback we receive will play an important part in shaping our future plans for the scheme. So we urge anyone who wasn’t able to visit us to provide their feedback before the deadline.”
All the information panels that were on display at the consultations are easily accessible on the Canford Park website – - together with a feedback form which can be completed online until Saturday October 15. ...more


Feedback received since the launch of our website

Tuesday 27th Sep 2016

Since the launch of our website last month we have received some interesting feedback – here’s a flavour of the comments we’ve received, together with our response. 
My husband and I will be first time buyers.  When will these properties be ready and when will the development be completed?
“Our proposals for Canford Park are subject to consideration through the Local Plan process.  If the Borough of Poole decide to support our proposals, new homes would be available from 2019 onwards.  The development would be built out in phases over a ten year period.’’
May I suggest that you consider holding further consultation meetings in the Bournemouth area which will actually be affected by this proposed development?
The emerging Local Plan is focussed upon meeting the future housing and employment needs of the Borough of Poole and, hence, the apparent focus on Poole.  However, we acknowledge that administrative boundaries mean little on the ground and that our initial ideas for Canford Park will be of interest to neighbouring communities. 
For that reason we have publicised the public consultations across the conurbation, with regular articles appearing in the Daily Echo and other local media.  In addition, all the exhibition display material is on our website, as well as a feedback form.  So, if you can’t get to any of the public consultations, you still have the opportunity to carefully consider all the information and give us your views by the closing date of 15 October.
Go ah... ...more

Bournemouth Daily Echo coverage for the Canford Park consultations

Thursday 22nd Sep 2016

Canford Park consultations are currently in full swing, the Bournemouth Daily Echo covered this story online earlier this week. Please click the link to view the article: ...more



Friday 9th Sep 2016

Residents will soon have the opportunity to review and discuss potential plans for a new mixed-use development in the north of Poole which could potentially provide 2,500 much needed family homes. 
A series of public consultations are about to go live in venues across the Borough of Poole where the developers are looking forward to meeting interested members of the public. As part of this process a new website has been launched to outline the scheme which includes a new school, surgery and other community facilities.  
We would recommend that those wishing to attend the exhibitions find it useful to visit the website in advance at for further information.
Consultation dates are as follows:
 13 September : 3pm to 8pm                        Bearwood Community Centre  
15 September : 12 noon to 5pm                   Poole Library, Dolphin Centre
19 September : 3pm to 8pm                        The Spire (Methodist Church), Poole High Street
20 September : 3pm to 8pm                        Canford Cliffs Village Hall
22 September : 3pm to 8pm                        Oakdale Community Partnership Centre
27 September : 1pm to 5pm                        Community Room, Tesco Fleetsbridge
29 September :  3pm to 8pm                       Canford Magna Centre
Planning Consultant, Brett Spiller of Chapman Lily Planning said: ‘This is an important scheme which will impact the whole borough, hence why we decided to host consultation events in all corners of Poole.
‘... ...more

Gravel Hill Improvements

Friday 9th Sep 2016

Mildren Construction are currently undertaking work to improve Gravel Hill / Queen Anne Drive Junction for all users. The works include widening the carriageway to provide additional highway capacity, upgrading the signals to provide a toucan crossing (suitable for both pedestrians and cyclists) and introducing a shared footway / cycleway around the junction.
The works will improve the flow of traffic at Gravel Hill / Queen Anne Drive, help reduce the likelihood of long unexpected delays and congestion caused by accidents, and help improve the safety for all road users. The current speed limit between Queen Anne Drive and Arrowsmith Road will be reduced from 60mph to 40mph, making the road feel less like an urbanised motorway.
The works at Gravel Hill / Queen Anne Drive Junction are part of the Council’s wider transport strategy, widening the existing footway from Queen Anne Drive to Dunyeat's Road Junction, to make it a shared footway/cycleway to provide the missing cycle link connecting Merley to Poole town centre.
It is expected that the road closure will be lifted at the end of November 2016, with work completed in January 2017. ...more

Personalised Travel Planning

Friday 9th Sep 2016

Personalised Travel Planning (PTP) can have a significant impact on travel behaviour and travel patterns, helping to achieve more sustainable travel practices and healthier lifestyles, which in turn contribute to a more socially inclusive community and help protect the environment. PTP can be effective both amongst existing residents and communities and in new developments.
In Cardiff the project, funded by Welsh Government, and supported by Local Authorities, targeted 63,000 households in Cardiff and Penarth in a 15 month period. Stage 1 commenced in north Cardiff in September 2011. Stage 2 was undertaken in Spring 2012 and covered the western and southern parts of the city, as well as Penarth, whilst the final stage, Stage 3, covered the east of the city, during Autumn 2012.
After control group effects had been taken into account, the after survey showed a 12% relative reduction in car-as-driver trips across the PTP target population, with a reduction from 45% of trips being car-as-driver trips observed before PTP, to 40% afterwards.
Sustrans has also undertaken PTP in the locations summarised in Table 1:
Table 1 – Sustrans PTP Results

Location (date)


Car-Driver Mode Shift

Gloucester (2005)



Worcester (2005 – 07)



Peterborough (2005 – 07)



Preston & South Ribble (2007)



Lancaster & Morecambe (2007)



Watford (2009)



Exeter (2009)



L... ...more

Addressing the housing crisis

Wednesday 7th Sep 2016

Ian Girling, Chief Executive at Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI), comments on the current housing crisis following a recent DCCI survey. 
Please see here 


Serious shortage of employment sites in the region

Friday 2nd Sep 2016

The benefits of ‘mixed use’ developments which combine residential, commercial and leisure facilities within one area are well known.  People who live and work in these areas enjoy the benefits of a much better work/life balance with reduced reliance on their cars, improved public transport links and excellent community facilities. 
The need for additional housing in our region is well documented - for example the current Poole Local Plan Review has identified the need for 14,200 new homes by 2033.  However, the lack of accompanying commercial/industrial land is not so well publicised, and one of the area’s leading commercial property agents is warning of a serious shortage of deliverable employment sites within the South East Dorset conurbation. 
Simon West, a founding partner of Cowling & West, says that the limited supply of available land for industrial and warehouse development has become a major issue and could stifle economic growth in the region.
“Although there would appear to be a reasonable number of sites which have been allocated as employment land, the reality is that many of them are not actually available,” he says.   “For example, we can’t show a prospective client a parcel of land without any infrastructure in place.   As a minimum, they want to see the main services - electricity, water and communications – together with a good road network.  And those type of sites are very limited.
“Around 80% of our enquiries are from local companies who want to expa... ...more

Government release of new housing building figures

Friday 2nd Sep 2016

New Government figures suggest that 139,030 homes were completed in England in the year to June 2016 up 2% on the previous year.  Construction started on a further 144,280 new homes up 6% on the previous year.  The figures reveal significant regional disparities and suggest that for every 1,000 existing homes in Poole, 2.5 – 4 new homes were built in the year to June 2016. See here: : ...more


Local residents invited to Canford Park public consultation

Thursday 1st Sep 2016

A series of public consultations for the proposed Canford Park development will take place throughout Poole this month. 
The consultation dates are as follows:
 13 September : 3pm to 8pm                        Bearwood Community Centre  
15 September : 12 noon to 5pm                   Poole Library, Dolphin Centre
19 September : 3pm to 8pm                        The Spire (Methodist Church), Poole High Street
20 September : 3pm to 8pm                        Canford Cliffs Village Hall
22 September : 3pm to 8pm                        Oakdale Community Partnership Centre
27 September : 1pm to 5pm                        Community Room, Tesco Fleetsbridge
29 September :  3pm to 8pm                       Canford Magna Centre
For more information please see here for coverage on Bournemouth Daily Echo online:

'Planners centre stage in tackling housing crisis' states Sir Michael Lyons

Monday 22nd Aug 2016

The question of where shall all the housing go is not unique to Poole.  In address a conference in Yorkshire, Sir Michael Lyons reflected on the housing crisis and the challenges that lie ahead.  Sir Michael also called for creative solutions, including following the principles of garden villages. It is refreshing to see ‘quality’ referred to as this can all to easily get forgotten with the focus on numbers. Our emerging plans for Canford Park follow a landscape led approach providing an attractive neighbourhood for live work and play.  
For more information please visit: ...more

The Office for National Statistics has rebased its household projection estimates using 2014 data

Monday 15th Aug 2016

The Office for National Statistics has rebased its household projection estimates using 2014 data.  The estimates are important as they inform how many homes are likely to be required for an area.  The data reaffirms that the need for new homes is being driven by reductions in household size (with an increase in one person households) as well as the fact that we are living longer (with an increase in the number of households headed by someone aged 65+).     
For more information please visit:  ...more

The need for more homes is once again in the headlines...

Thursday 11th Aug 2016

The need for more homes is again in the headlines.  The House of Lords is calling for further reforms and in a recent radio interview, Baroness Wheatcroft was adamant that the country needs to build more homes to improve affordability.  The Strategic Housing Market Assessment for Eastern Dorset demonstrates just how hard it is to get a foot on the ladder: … the affordability of property has worsened quite markedly over the past 15 years. In Poole the affordability of market housing, measured using the lower quartile house price to lower quartile income ratio is 9.2 (2013 figure) and goes on to say that: This figure is well above the South West regional figure of 7.8 and the national average of 6.5 indicating that affordability in the Borough is an issue.
This will resonate with many young people trying to get on the housing ladder, as well as families trying to move up. 
For further details see here:

Development on Green Belt should take place to reduce lack of housing

Thursday 11th Aug 2016

The London School of Economics is arguing for a more strategic approach to development in the Metropolitan Green Belt in order to avoid piecemeal development.  The need for new housing has prompted local authorities across the 13 other areas covered by Green Belt to consider whether boundaries need to be redrawn, and if so, how best to do it.  Canford Park is one of a number of sites being considered within Poole’s Green Belt, but it is seemingly the only site that would create a vibrant mix of homes, businesses and new infrastructure – allowing people to live work and play within one neighbourhood.
For more information see here: ...more


Local residents invited to Canford Park public consultation

Wednesday 10th Aug 2016

A series of public consultations for the proposed Canford Park development will take place throughout Poole next month. 
The land, which is situated to the west of Bearwood and to the east of Merley, was one of the sites identified in the Borough of Poole’s recent Local Plan Review.  The proposed mixed-use development will include:
Around 2,500 new homes.  40% of these will be affordable which will include homes for first time buyers as well as shared ownership properties.  The other 60% will include a range of family homes aimed at those moving up the property ladder.
A new business park which will provide around 100,000 sqm of new employment premises which will host around 2,800 jobs and contribute £146million to the local economy each year.
A new local centre providing new shops, services and community facilities as well as a new primary school and playing fields.
New infrastructure including pedestrian and cycle routes, together with high frequency bus services
In addition, the whole development will be situated adjacent to 86 hectares of open space and parkland (which is approximately the size of 116 football pitches).  This land has previously been in private ownership and will open up public access to the River Stour.
Planning Consultant, Brett Spiller of Chapman Lily Planning said: “This consultation is an ideal opportunity for residents to give us their views on this proposed development.   Our proposal could significantly help the Borough of Poole with the challen... ...more


Poole residents priced-out of housing market as London buying trends appear

Thursday 28th Jul 2016

Greys Estate Agents in Poole has responded to a recent report from national estate agency Savills, suggesting property prices in Dorset are becoming as unaffordable to buyers as property in London.
Research carried out by Savills in July 2015 suggests that younger people are finding it increasingly difficult to buy in a housing market where prices are many multiples of income and mortgage lending at high loan-to-values is limited and expensive. It goes on to say that 64 per cent of households born in 1960 and 1970 owned their own home by the age of 35. For those born in 1980, the figure falls to 44 per cent. They also project that only 39 per cent of those born in 1990 will own their home by the time they reach 35 years old.
Russell O’Sullivan, director at Greys Estate Agents in Poole, has witnessed the recent buying trend for housing to sell for more than their asking price, he said: “There is currently a national shortage of available property on the market, so more and more people are competing over the same property.
“As a result, we’re finding that the majority of first, second and even third-time home buyers sometimes have to pay over the asking price to secure the property they want. As the demand continues to outweigh supply, this has naturally caused the price of housing to rise relatively sharply.
“A couple looking to spend £220k one year to 18 months ago on a three-bed semi-detached property, can now expect to pay upwards of £240k. It’s the same issue across the bo... ...more